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Who is the King in America? And Who are the Counselors to the King? - William J Federer (DVD)
Who is the King in America? And Who are the Counselors to the King? - William J Federer (DVD)
Donation Amount: $25.00


WHO IS THE KING IN AMERICA? Before you answer, do you know what the most common form of government in world history?
From the invention of writing around 3,300 BC, the world has been ruled by Pharaohs, Chieftans, Emperors, Caesars, Sultans, Khans, Maharajas, Monarchs.
Power, like gravity, concentrates into the hand of one person, who rewards his friends and punishes his enemies. Socialist and Communist countries, too, though professing equality, inevitably end up being ruled by dictators.
The King of England was the most powerful king the planet had seen. When Americans got the chance, they set up a government that was as far away from a king as possible. Flipping it, they put the people in charge. A "republic" is where the people are king, ruling through their representatives.
The Constitution, in effect, is a collection of hurdles to prevent power from snapping back into the hands of a king. Where did they get these ideas? Notable sources are: England's Magna Carta; the Roman Republic; the Athenian Democracy; and ultimately, Ancient Israel. Ancient Israel, during its initial 400 years out of Egypt, was the first well-recorded instance of an entire nation ruled without a king. Were colonial pastors who founded New England influenced by Ancient Israel? You will be surprised to learn the role pastors played in America's new system? What ingredients are needed for a nation to function without a king? Is the God of Bible a necessary part?
What is the difference between a democracy and a republic. How did past democracies and republics rise and fall? Did political strategists develop tactics to help them fall? Who were: Machiavelli, Robespierre, Hegel, Marx and Alinsky? Are their tactics being used in America today? What is the relationship between Islamists and LGBT activists?
The surprising answers to these questions, and more, can be found in "Who is the King in America? And Who are the Counselors to the King?-An Overview of 6,000 Years of History & Why America is Unique."

60 Minute Video Presentation