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Each Step I Take ...closer to home - Beverly Lamar Hils (Paperback)
Each Step I Take ...closer to home - Beverly Lamar Hils (Paperback)
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Product Code: ESIT

No one could accuse Beverly Hils of having a "milk-toast" personality.  She is as feisty as her red hair affirms.  (She once kicked a preacher in the shins!)  She is as sharp and unwavering as the spike heels she is known for.  She may be of diminutive size. But she once scaled an upper balcony and climbed into a window in the middle of the night.  Although she did play a sort of "blind-man's-bluff" with another minister during church service, when it comes to the things of God, she plays no games.    Who is this spirited lady exemplifying a passion for excellence, bulldog tenacity and the faith of a contemporary Apostle Paul?  By her friends and colleagues, she has received accolades and tributes of "a woman of determination, strength, and faithfulness with a love of people and a love of laughter.  She has a shepherd's heart....with a sassy and classy style.    Read about Beverly's earliest beginnings, her trials and her triumphs.  Discover the truth about a hidden and shameful "secret" that she told no one for years.  Learn how she was saved from being swallowed by an earthquake.  Walk through some of her darkest times when gangrene took her legs and almost her life.    Be prepared to laugh, to cry and be inspired.  As you take each step with Beverly, revealing tragedy and triumph, you will see a woman with a purpose and a God-inspired plan.  You will see a woman who does not give up but continues to strive, to love and to take those steps closer to home.    The ways of right living people glow with light; the longer they live, the brighter they shine.  (Proverbs 4:18 The Message)